Friday, September 10, 2010

Amazon Fresh

As some of you may know, we have just relocated to Seattle and have definitely picked up on a lot of fresh food trends. Seattle is the home to a lot of fresh food such as Pike's Place Market that offers fresh catch, produce  and flowers coming in from all over Washington state and Oregon. Lucky for us, Seattle is also home to As we were driving around, getting to know the neighborhood we saw a delivery truck marked: Amazon Fresh. We immediately started researching, when we got home. As it turns out, this Amazon subsidiary is a pilot home grocery delivery service. Pilot, in this case, means the delivery service area is restricted to certain zip codes in the Seattle area, ours being one of them!

We were overjoyed and quickly put together an order large enough to fulfill the free delivery service. Although most of our readers will not be able to take advantage of this service, the use of it by Seattleites (me!) will hopefully close the gap between Amazon Fresh and your front door! I could try to explain how it works, but it would probably be clearer to read this page explaining each step!

Since we placed our order before midnight we could request the pre-dawn doorstep delivery option, and jumped at the chance to have our groceries waiting for us when we awoke. However, for some reason on the night before the delivery, I could not sleep. I was still awake when the delivery arrived at 2:30 a.m.! Below are a few things that I observed:
  1. The delivery man turned off his truck engine when he arrived! He was so quiet when he set the bins on the stoop that if I had been asleep he would not have disturbed my slumber!
  2. All the grocery items came in zip-tied shut bins! If they had been tampered with, the zip ties would be broken and I would know immediately! 
  3. The refrigerated items were packed with ice packs inside of soft insulated bags. 
  4. We received a "Welcome" bouquet of flowers to thank me for trying the Amazon Fresh service. 
    I would definitely try this again and cannot wait to see what items they add as the service grows!

    Thank you Amazon (and Amazon Fresh)!


    {lizzythebotanist} said...

    this is so cool. wish they offered it here...hopefully soon.

    Suzie Soda said...

    Diane....what are you doing in Seattle? Who is and Laura.? Your mom? I thought you moved tp DC but I wasn't sure where your have been off my radar. Hope all is well. xoxo

    Emily said...

    I'm so jealous. is seriously my favorite thing (you know this and yet you still tempt me with what I cannot have...Amazon Fresh - why can't Utah be cool too??).

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