Friday, December 17, 2010

Last Minute Holiday Party Tips!

So we're in the swing of the holiday season and you want to throw a party, but you haven't planned a thing... so what, throw one anyway!

  1. Determine how much prep time you have and go from there. Don't do more than you can, no one likes a grouchy, stressed host or hostess! If you only have time for beverages, get all your guests to pick up their favorites on the way to your place!
  2. Serve one or two easy homemade recipes and punch it up with store-bought stuff. I love doing small bites for holiday parties. All you need are some olives, cheese, crackers, nuts, or maybe some assorted cured/smoked meats and you've got a party! A plan like this can easily be adjusted to accommodate as many or as few people as you would like. No need to worry about someone bringing an unexpected guest. 
  3. Feature one signature cocktail or beverage and design a self-serve bar. This is where a great hot cocoa bar comes into play...candy canes, caramel, sea salt, Heath bits, whipped cream, marshmallows and you are in business! I love mixing eggnog with sprite!
  4. Create a shopping list before you hit the store. Multiple store trips happen to everyone, but they aren't ideal when you don't have a lot of time to begin with. Make a list and check it twice!
  5. Enlist a bit of help! Ask a friend to come a bit early, as one who throws lots of gatherings, I am always glad for a friendly face and an extra set of hands!
  6. Control the lighting. Christmas lights set the perfect ambience for an evening party. The holidays are wonderful because the more twinkle lights, the better!
  7. Decorate with flowers. During the holidays, I love decorating with mistletoe, pine cones and branches. All which can be found at your local market!
  8. Ready the restroom. Don't overlook decorating the bathroom with Christmas lights or a holiday scented plug-in! Make sure you have enough hand towels or paper towels for guests. Additionally, make sure extra toilet paper rolls are easy to access. 
  9. Select mood-enhancing music. Holiday music is great, but make sure the music isn't too loud. Shouting over music is obnoxious!
  10. Be fearless and have fun. The whole point of a party is to have fun, not to cause stress. Whatever happens smile and's the holidays! 
Happy partying planners and non-planners!


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